Week of Feb 26th

  • - Intercessory Prayer
    Intercessory Prayer

    Intercessory Prayer

    March 1, 2023

    On Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30pm, everyone is welcome to attend. We begin the prayer meeting with a 10-15 minute time of personal, reflective listening prayer while quiet worship music is playing.  There will be a slide giving prompts and a scripture to meditate on. Then everyone will gather together to pray for the specific needs prompted by our Lord.

  • - Youth Nachos & XBox
    Youth Nachos & XBox

    Youth Nachos & XBox

    March 3, 2023

    Inviting all youth ages 12-18 years, (grades 6-12) to Pastors Carolyn & Ed's home from 7 pm to 9 pm for a fun evening of nachos and xbox gaming. Please feel free to invite your friends.  If you don't know the address, text 250 520-0158 to find out where to come.